Strategic goals for the environment Agenda 2030 - 17 Objectives for Sustainable Development Partnerships

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Strategic goals for the environment

The management of Taiana has expressly shown year after the year its will to implement, maintain, improve over time, and certify their quality and environmental management system, compliant with UNI EN ISO 9001 and 14001 groups of quality management systems (QMS) certification, for:

  • persevering in its continual improvement of performance related to customer satisfaction
  • the monitoring and optimizing of business processes
  • offering customers adequate technical and creative support
  • promoting the marketing of new bio-based, biodegradable and recycled products
  • guaranteeing compliance with national, EU and international legislation concerning the Environment and its preservation
  • guaranteeing growing attention towards the environmental field at every stage of the process, raising awareness among all employees and suppliers amidst a “Life Cycle Perspective”, to avoid involuntary displacement in other phases of the product's life cycle and any environmental impact generated by it
  • progressively reducing the environmental impacts of the organization, whether direct or indirect, with particular attention to low energy impact production through a careful choice of the most advanced production machinery in terms of energy efficiency
  • progressively favoring the use of water in production phases through dyeing with low-use processes such as Yarn-Dyed productions and opting more for “dry” printing and finishing processes
  • making use of environmentally responsible suppliers, and defining applicable types and safeguarding provisions
  • choosing to and opting for, where possible, collaboration with suppliers located in neighboring geographic areas
  • increasing the range of OEKO-TEX certified products
  • reusing production waste to avoid waste
  • creating products that have a longer life cycle, guaranteeing a lower impact on the environment in the medium-term
  • moving towards the use of an ever-increasing number of eco-sustainable raw materials such as post-consumer recycled yarns and fibers or yarns produced from Natural origin (Biopolymers) and biodegradable ones by inserting them in a specific project called RELYFE FABRICS
  • striving to continuously reduce the use of chemicals that are potentially hazardous to the environment
  • moving towards ZERO values for the substances listed in the ZDHC protocol. With particular attention paid to the identification and development of water-repellent “PFC free” treatments
  • opting for the streamlining of shipments and logistics to reduce environmental impact from the transport of their products.

2030 Agenda: 17 Sustainable Development Goals

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a call for action program for people,the planet, and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries. It encompasses 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs - in a major call for action for a total of 169 “targets” or milestones. The official launch of the Sustainable Development Goals coincided with the beginning of 2016, guiding the world on the road forward over the next 15 years: the countries have committed themselves to reach them by 2030.

As a company that is sensitive to all these issues, Tessitura Taiana Virgilio has decided to put the scheme proposed by the UN at the center of its economic, environmental, and social sustainability policy.

Concerning the “Goals” mentioned above, the Organization has the following goals:

  • Goal 3 HEALTH AND WELL-BEING: ensuring health and well-being for all and people of all ages, providing a healthy work environment, guaranteeing annual health surveillance during working hours, and supplementary financial support for health costs of employees and that of their closest family members through the SaniModa platform.
  • Goal 5 GENDER EQUALITY: guaranteeing gender equality and rejecting any form of discrimination against its employees, collaborators, and partners.
  • Goal 7 CLEAN AND ACCESSIBLE ENERGY: ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy systems for all. In 2016, Tessitura Taiana Virgilio promoted the creation of its photovoltaic system for the self-production of “clean” energy used in production processes. The project has achieved the planned goal of reducing energy consumption from the network by more than 30% each year since its activation. This result is considered very positive, and the realization for the near future of a second plant for the self-production of all electricity needed at the company's headquarters is being assessed.
  • Goal 8 DECENT, FAIR WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: stimulating lasting, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent, fair work for all. The company's growth objectives are always associated with the idea that economic sustainability must be accompanied by environmental and social sustainability. As an Italian SME (small and medium-sized enterprise) we are under one of the most rigorous legislative institutions in the world but our commitment is to go beyond what is required by the current law. By establishing a dialogue with our employees and collaborators, we are committed to creating a pleasant work environment in which our professionalism may flourish.
  • Goal 9 INNOVATION IN INDUSTRY AND INFRASTRUCTURE: building an infrastructure that is resilient, and promoting innovation and fair, responsible and sustainable industrialization. Over the years Tessitura Taiana Virgilio has undertaken the task of carrying out technological innovation projects aimed at improving working conditions, thereby enhancing the high professional skills present in the company in highly qualified activities.
  • Goal 12 CONSUMPTION AND RESPONSIBLE PRODUCTIONS: guaranteeing environmentally sustainable production processes, kept under control and periodically reviewed to make improvements to them over time.
  • Goal 13 TAKING ACTION FOR THE CLIMATE: promoting actions, on all levels, to combat climate change. The TAIANA Environmental Policy defines specific objectives to improve the corporate environmental footprint. From the assessment and selection of raw materials to the choice of less impacting production processes, all the way to the replacement of old machines with new energy-efficient ones.


No company is an island

To achieve ambitious goals, you need to be a team.

Tessitura Taiana Virgilio is part of the Como network of Confindustria (The General Confederation of Italian Industry) and Sistema Moda Italia (the Italian Textile and Fashion Federation) which through its ambitious initiatives advance legal requirements regarding environmental sustainability as well as economic and social sustainability.

Among these proposals, a focus is dedicated to the selection of qualified suppliers thanks to which it is possible to maintain high quality and environmental standards while keeping a close eye on limiting the environmental footprint of its products and processes.

Based on a Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach, in which the entire life cycle of the product “from the cradle to the grave” is considered, starting from the acquisition of the raw materials necessary for its realization until end is reached as something no longer useful, including the manufacturing, distribution, and usage phases, the involvement of suppliers is a fundamental step in the selection of raw materials and the assignment and control of outsourced processes.

We consider ourselves quite satisfied with the close partnerships we have with current Suppliers, and are xtremely proud to see our Customers involve us in daily activities of development of whose common goal is to show and uphold the highest respect towards our Planet.